Friday, September 04, 2009

Moving to a New Spot

The TGAPGeorge personal blog will no longer be here on Well, the blog itself isn't going anywhere--this thing has been on here for years!--but updates, new stuff, and actual blog happenings will be found at:

Feel free to come take a sneaky-peaky.

Write like you don't have a backspace and edit later...

First Novel... Check!

After many late nights and much gnashing of teeth, Under the Gun has jumped through all the hoops and is now a real book! How cool is that?

Of all the things I've written, it's unique. Actually, as a business novel, it's one of only a few in the genre.

Under The GUn

Under the Gun: How to Start and Lose a Business in Six Months

I still can't believe it sometimes. Head over to Barnes & Noble and treat yourself to a copy!

Write like you don't have a backspace and edit later...